Thursday, July 7, 2011

i've been gone a while.....

new clothes!!!!! and new etsy account

i can't seem to get any of the pictures from my first fashion show but if you go to this address you can probably see some pictures!!!!
this is when allison and i went to paris. not! it was the day after my birthday and we were still wasted so we kept it up and listened to french music. i drew this on the window with dry erase to make us feel better about it. cause we couldn't leave the bed all day.

our miller high light
it was my birthday and i had to act like a 5 year old brat and set up all of my presents.
the shirt and the hat my friend allison made for me and the back massager, which is the sweetest present. my body is ache ville after 12 hours of sewing. jamie got me the judy garland record. two mix tapes from friends and my favorite crass record, penis envy. an awesome knitted doll from my room mate annette, red velvet cake from my liquor store lady, a beyonce cd i bought for myself and a song my other room mate , Lauren wrote for me. It was super sweet, and made me feel on top of the world. like someone knew me and appreciated the things that make up me. She's such a sweet wonderful person i love it when she comes home drunk from jazz shows and wants to smoke cigarettes with me. it's pretty sweet.
kick ass doll made by annette and fake check from my buddy billy

the sweetest scissors in the world from brian
the tape i made of lauren's song.
my beyonce cd. i couldn't afford the deluxe. bummer!

brian and i moved rooms, so we're not in the pantry anymore. we have a real room! i have room to sew now! in the process of putting things away i was too into all of the sun coming in the room and a bag of t-shirts i have been meaning to cut up. so needless to say, i spent the rest of the day putting these tops together. it was hard cutting up that blink green day shirt. i got that when i was 14 when i saw them in oakland. it was really funny because at the time i was going through my ripping up clothes thing and i wore my p.e. pants that i turned into a skirt and i can't remember what kind of top but probably ripped up. i had short pink hair and i had liberty spikes formed by a combination of wood and glitter glue (that fucked my hair up so bad) i also had a shit load of ballchain and chain that i wrapped around my neck (not proud) and dark eyeliner. i was a loser. but some lady that worked for a news shows though i was interesting and wanted to interview me and asked me about my outfit. i was down but then she started asking me if the way i dressed had anything to do with my teen angst or how i felt about my parents. i told her i just felt the prettiest that way.

dressing up a bit.

I started my big long month with a custom dress for a fellow blogger, Cassidy. i had to get it together in 3 days, and after 3 fittings it came out perfectly! It fit her like a glove. She chose the fabric based on a design she had seen of mine while I was having a street sale. It was great, I didn't sell anything that day but I got co-missioned to make this dress, and it was worn for a photo shoot for a local bike company (thing???) and she wore the dress to an event in Florida.

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