so something that no one knows about me until they come into my house is that i am a thief. i am a thief of salt and pepper shakers. yes lock me up i take them from everywhere, my new favorite one is from denny's. i have one for every event but have lost track. i have labeled the important ones and they are everywhere int he house. so i have three spice racks and that is still not enough to hold them all. this although looks clear because we moved out of the pantry room ( 5 ft by 9.5 ft) and into a real room where i have many ledges to put them on. my room mates are happy because i know they have been wanting to throw all of them out. so to make them happy i changed a bunch of them to shakers for other herbs and spices. there you go. that's that.
my family's greek friends gave me a gift for christmas, and wrote my name in greek. okay sometimes i'm a hoarder, which you could probably already tell by my shaker collection , but even some of my family can't spell my name right let alone in greek.
the white cat shaped figure on the top is not a pepper shaker it is actually a perfume bottle from the 60's.
skull glasses rule school, some more pepper shakers as you can see. i like pepper more than salt so that's usually what i take. a little coozy from the first person i sent a dress to, i gave her a mix tape and she sent one back with the coozy. i love presents. dinosaurs and cats. picture in the back of my dad, pat martino, and me on my dad's birthday. my big bow ring, skull cameo .99 cent record, Amadeus, and all of the other classical records you find in the dollar bin at ameoba. the little soldier is from my grandpa. i hadn't seen him in a really long time before visiting him again and he gave me this because when i was 2 and visiting him, i wouldn't stop carrying it around and would cry without it. the ring is my grandmother's college ring, university of arkansas '79 with a BA in Art. she's cool. the ring is on top of a paris music box i got when guess what? ..we were in paris! it plays la vie en rose. the picture is of my sister , she is drawing a comic about the annoying brother (based on our brother) more bugs and dinosaurs
this just makes me really happy. this is about the time i had the pink liberty spikes i talked about in the previous post, where i had cut up t-shirts even my blink/ green day pop disaster tour !!!! this queers show was funny because there weren't that many people there, but a lot of old punks and they didn't like me. i wasn't much of a mosher at 14, i was more of a dancer. so i think they were a little pissed my my vibe. but like i said not many people were there so i was singled out, the guys grabbed me at one point and tried to get me to join in the mosh. i fucking hate it when people do that. i don't give a fuck if you don't think i'm hardcore. i just came here to have fun, and not exactly with you. right under those two you can see the steve ignorant playing crass ticket. this was a fun one. ah hem....
so in a nut shell.....
i am in a band called statutory apes. people hate us because of our name, but have no problem telling us they love our music, but since we refuse to change our name, the p.s. bullshit san francisco punk community has taken to boycott us. (fuck you)
people have said things like "oh well there is a girl in the band , so that's cool"
"i love your music but i hate your name"
"you guys are just dumb, like whenever we try to ask you about you , your reasoning isn't good enough"
what does this have to do with this show? i'll tell ya kids,
this show was protested by the same people that hate us and boycott us, and basically started a bandwagon of assholes that feel like they can dictate what goes on in the punk community. fuck you who the fuck are you tell me that i can't do something? ya your punk as fuck, give me more rules, dick.
anyways steve ignorant says "fuck em i'll take every damn one of em"
ohhhhh i have a tape idea....
stories to everything i guessgot these from people and places in france. would have had more if i had not lost them or had them stolen. (if you have my mona lisa smoking a cigar lighter, please give it back)
pretty floral and pink polkadot.
I always have to post the same picture twice. sorry i don't know how to fix it.
my favorite tape player. but can't use it.... you'll see
due to this feature where you can listen to chipmunk like sounds, i forever hear music as a chipmunk would. it's broken on that setting. not like that when i bought it, just happened one day. bummer!
Elvis coasters
puffy barbie stickers, got on a road trip
brian and i have such pretentious socks.
I love reading your blog and it makes me miss you and days spent crafting/creating at your old apartment. <3