The story is about a girl named Kenzie who is a successful college student by day and a creative homebody by night. When she is ditched by her friends on her birthday events lead to Kenzie finding an abandoned apartment she had never noticed before. Upon going on, she is locked in and soon meets the ghost of Ruth, a young woman who was murdered by her husband in 1926 and is now writing self help books for ghosts.
The young ladies discuss the differences in their worlds today, learn about each other and bond over countless glasses of wine and St. Germain. But, like any good ghost story, there's a twist. oooohhhhh
I can't wait to make this movie! But we do have one thing we gotta do! We have to raise 2,000 dollars in order to pay for lighting, camera, and gear rentals, hair/make up, travel fees, food to keep the crew happy and numerous other things that go into the production of the movie such as making DVDS, Posters and festival fees.
Plus we have an amazing designer, Amelia Statler who will be designing the dress Ruth, the ghost, will wear in the movie. Her influences derive from the 1920's era and old lace, so we're so excited to see what she makes! And we do want to pay her properly.
You can check out the kickstarter for the project with this link :
We also have a facebook
Anything you can do to spread the word and help out is amazing! We also have some great prizes for our backers like screen printed posters, home made ouija boards and an official "Pains and Pleasures of Being a Ghost" journal. And of course a copy of the DVD!
Again, any kind of support is awesome and would mean the world to me, thank you!
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